November 2018

Giving Thanks.

As human beings, it’s in our nature to help.

The Cadillac Area Community Foundation has been a community-based, philanthropic organization for over 30 years;  The Foundation has defined six areas that our grantmaking is focused on.  They are: Arts & Culture, Economic Development, Education, Youth, Recreation & Environment, and Health & Human Services.

Our ongoing work with local non-profit organizations motivates us to move on ideas and projects to better our community.  Our Donors passions and interests are a critical piece of the foundation’s work.  A major gift from a donor becomes the main driver of the fund agreement.  Our donor’s wishes are very much respected when granting to a cause that is important to them.

Community Foundations are a place to connect with donors who share your passions, ideas, or concerns in their community.   Some donors choose to be anonymous and others are just eager to support a cause that is important to them.    We truly believe anyone can be a philanthropist.  It is the generosity of our donors who make each and every one of our grants and scholarship possible.

Helping our generous donors reach their philanthropic goals is one of the most important roles we play in the community foundation.  Working together to leave a better future for generations to come.

Our Board of Trustees and Staff consider it a great privilege that donors have entrusted their legacy and philanthropy with us. Without our donors, our impact and growth potential are limited.

We are THANKFUL for every donation received.

Happy Thanksgiving!


The Cadillac Area Community Foundation is Celebrating 30 Years of Philanthropy!!